Today I have been mostly...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

…pretending to revise.

Stupid, really. Exam is only 6 short weeks away – and I’m back to work next week, so less time to revise – OK – so I only work 2 days a week, but I am easily distracted.

I spent 2 hours this morning doing Sudoku puzzles. I have sort of convinced myself that they will somehow “warm up” my brain and make it more receptive to information – however, in reality, they just make me tired! But I am getting quite good at them. Pity they don’t feature in the exam! I did make a half-arsed attempt at typing up my notes on Homer. I really should practice trying to do some exam style questions – but they are always worded so weirdly, aren’t they? Who writes exam questions? If I wrote myself some questions about Homer, I have no doubt in my mind that I could answer them. But in exams they are written in such a cryptic way, so is there any point? Alternatively, I could prepare for the exam by spending the next six weeks writing out all the main points onto Polo Mints – then when I have finished each question, eat the evidence. Perhaps I will look into acquiring some non-toxic ink.

My memory is crap these days. Will I be able to remember anything about the Iliad or the Odyssey when I have to? I know more about Homer Simpson than I do the old ancient Greek guy. I’m thinking I will probably be able to quote Homer Simpson, as I sit there silently saying “Doh!” to myself as I read through the paper and wonder what I have been doing for the past nine months.

Last year, after the exam, I said “I NEVER want to do another course about the English Language again!” That’s why I did a classics course this year. I NEVER want to do another classics course again – even though it has been fascinating reading about Greeks and Romans.

Next year I am doing another course about the English language… But the good news is, there is no exam, so I should save a fortune not having to buy mints.


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