Today I have been mostly...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

... hard at it!!

I've been extremely busy with my course work today. I think these photos speak for themselves.

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I'd like to thank Jenni for taking these photos, especially as she is extremely busy herself "writing an essay" - I know this is true because I can hear her typing away on her computer, and she is definitely NOT playing games... I suppose it is something to do with her laptop, but her keyboard makes really unusual noises, a bit like swords clashing together, with the occasional shriek or shout - I expect that is the space bar or something?

Which reminds me, I used to have a Monty Python disk that made silly keyboard noises, like farting etc. (if I've remembered correctly) - also a silly game which, when you were stuck, offered a message that said "For help press F1" - when you pressed F1 it said "Help!"

Actually, this is possibly the most useful help message I've ever had!!

Anyway - not much time for blogging today - must get back to the books...


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