Today I have been mostly...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Counting the scratches on my arms...

Yes – Ollie is back on antibiotics for teeth/mouth/eye-infections. He had some very expensive surgery yesterday. It would be great if I could find a decent NHS dentist for him – or even some sort of rabbit “den-plan”. Today I gave him his first dose of medicine. He really does not like it at all – even when it’s disguised with Ribena – and I am giving him the sugar free one as well! He did make an attempt at grooming himself today, which is the first time in a couple of weeks. He also spent about half-an-hour “grooming” me, so I’ve just had a bath to remove the layer of rabbit spit, and I think I’ve finally defurred my eyes, nose and mouth. I expect he will put up more of a fight tomorrow because he’ll know what’s coming.

I’ve had one of those “clumsy” days where I have dropped lots of things (most spectacular being a large pile of baking trays and saucepans onto the kitchen floor which made quite a satisfying metallic clatter), then when trying to hang my trousers up in the airing cupboard (the tumble drier is dead) I broke 2 coat hangers, (minor things I know, but irritating all the same) and now (rather more drastic) I am having to “flush” the toilet using a bucket of water!! Something went “snap” inside and now the handle thing (that you flush with) sort of dangles, pathetically.

So, all in all, an average day.


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