Today I have been mostly...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Smelling... like a rabbit??

I’ve got this new shampoo. It’s for dandruff. Well – strictly speaking, it is not FOR dandruff – it is AGAINST it. I suppose the warning on the back of the bottle should have been a clue to the main problem with this particular shampoo. It says that the colour and “fragrance” are due to the “active ingredient”. (Incidentally, the same active ingredient as in the rabbit shampoo – see earlier rabbit bathing blogs!)

Now, I don’t know about you – but to me the word “fragrance” conjures up a nice smell, a delicate perfume, a gentle floral aroma, a light summer breeze drifting over a bed of lavender. When driving through the countryside you don’t comment about the “fragrance” emanating from the local pig farm, do you? The words “stench”, “stink”, or possibly “smell” would be more appropriate. Now I know if they put “the colour and the stench of this shampoo are due to the active ingredient” they probably think that are not going to sell many bottles – but let’s face it, it’s shampoo, do we read the bottle? We know what it does and how to use it. Although I guess I will be reading them in future.

Sadly, it was cheaper to buy 2 small bottles than one big one – and you got more. Even sadder – I still have dandruff…


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