Today I have been mostly...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Moaning about bread...

Wheat free bread to be specific. Now I only have limited experience of this product, but basically, all you need to know is, it is not brilliant.

Wheat free Christmas cake, wheat free Christmas pudding and wheat free mince pies all taste, and look, just like their wheaty cousins. It'd hard to tell the difference. They are very nice. As are some wheat free cakes, biscuits and puddings.

I have just VERY CAREFULLY removed 2 slices from their packet with the intention of making myself a ham sandwich. I was being extra careful because I know it can be quite dry and a little crumblier than ordinary bread.

This is exactly how it came out of the bag.

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And according to the packaging, this is "IDEAL FOR TOASTING".

In what?


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